
A pair of gay bodyguards protect LGBTQ people in world-traveling adventures

#1 Three Wrong Turns in the Desert 

#2 Dancing with the Tide 

#3 Teach Me Tonight 

teach me 2021 200

Madame Habiba Abboud, BA, whose ill-worded invitation brought Aidan to Tunisia, returns with a request. But after her past behavior, can she be trusted?

Bodyguards Aidan Greene and Liam McCullough are hired to protect a spoiled teenager attending an English-language institute that Madame Abboud is running. Liam worries that Aidan loves teaching too much to commit to their bodyguard business-- but when things go wrong and Liam’s sexy SEAL buddy Joey shows up to help out, career options become the least of their problems.

Liam faces an opponent who represents his own dark side-- a soldier of fortune who is smart, strong and ruthless. Liam needs Joey’s help-- but will his attraction to his hunky pal damage his relationship with Aidan? Will Aidan turn his back on his burgeoning career as a bodyguard to return to his first love, teaching?

Also available in audio from most audiobook retailers.

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#4 Olives for the Stranger 

olives 2021 200

Aidan and Liam face the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia as protesters and police clash in the streets.

A gay couple who live on a vineyard in the Tunisian countryside ask Aidan and Liam to protect their niece Leila, a young girl whose mother has been taken into police custody. Leila, though, has been raised by her religious parents to distrust, even hate, her gay uncles and anyone like them. For the first time, the bodyguards have to protect someone who embodies the world's prejudice against them.

As the threats against Leila and her activist parents grow, hunky ex-SEAL Liam is stuck in the Tunisian countryside while teacher and novice bodyguard Aidan travels to France on his own with Leila. Liam must deal with his emotions once separated from his partner, while Aidan struggles to protect Leila and her father from a deadly villain as Liam has taught him.

Both men must examine the depths of their love for each other while it seems the whole country is against them.

Also available in audio from most audiobook retailers.

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#5 Under the Waterfall 

waterfall 2021 200



A Romeo and Julio story! Two young men fall in love as their fathers become enemies.

As soon as Aidan and Liam settle into their new home in Nice on the French Riviera, they are sent to the island of Corsica to protect a mining executive and his family.

Olivier Perreau has bet everything he has on the reopening of a silver mine on Corsica’s rugged northeast coast. But fisherman turned eco-activist Nic Aquaviva protests the desecration of his native island. Is Nic also behind the threats against Perreau’s business and his family? And what will this rivalry do to the budding romance between their college-student sons, Michel and Cris?

Aidan and Liam are still in love, but the disruption caused by their moves, and their desire to protect the two young men and their love affair, causes both bodyguards to question their skills and their commitment to each other. Can they engineer a happy ending for Michel and Cris, while protecting the family from deadly adversaries?

Also available in audio from most audiobook retailers. 

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#6 The Noblest Vengeance 

noblest 2021 200

An only child, Aidan has deep family feelings for his cousins. When one of them needs his help, he steps up, even if the case could be deadly.

Bodyguard partners Aidan and Liam are deeply in love, living as expatriates in Nice, France. Aidan’s cousin, of Sephardic Jewish heritage, calls to enlist their help in protecting members of her family who still live in Istanbul. They are rushing to leave the country when threats against them erupt. Can Aidan and Liam protect them until their exit visas are approved?

Aidan is thrilled to learn about his Sephardic connections, until an accident occurs that reminds him and Liam that the threat is real. But the real danger to their relationship may come from their very different ideas about family connections.

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#7 Finding Freddie Venus 


Can an ex-porn star and his stalker find true love? Or will Aidan and Liam be forced to keep them apartment maintain their client's security?

Newt Camilleri is a sad, overweight fifty-year-old who writes gay unicorn porn but has no romantic life. He has fled his dead-end job and old life to start again on the Riviera. A chance encounter with his porn idol turns him into a stalker.

Former gay porn star Freddie Venus has survived an epic slide and now lives a solitary life in a restored farmhouse outside Nice. When he believes he is being stalked, he hires Aidan and Liam to protect him.

But Newt isn't the only one looking for Freddie, and the tattooed ex-star's past is about to come back to haunt him. Will Aidan and Liam be able to save Freddie, and help him and Newt start a new story together?

Also available in audio from most audiobook retailers.

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#8 A Cold Wind 

cold wind 2021 200

The Mistral, a cold wind swooping in from the Alps, brings a chill to the Riviera as Aidan and Liam take on a new client.

Now that he’s been forced out of the closet and moved to Monaco, retired Russian oligarch Slava Vishinev longs for a sexy new life. An assassination attempt forces him to hire Aidan and Liam to protect him. Who could be after him – his estranged son, who has joined an anti-capitalist group? The government official who engineered his fall from grace in Moscow?

Can Liam and Aidan him alive long enough to engineer a romance between him and their sad, handsome neighbor, still pining for his late lover? Or will they begin to feel that their entry into their forties forces them to consider close protection a young man’s game, one that they’re no longer suited for?

Also available in audio from most audiobook retailers. 

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#9 The Same Page 

The Same Page (Have Body, Will Guard Book 9)

Aidan Greene and Liam McCullough feel like they’ve aged out of the bodyguard business—but a desperate call from former client Slava Vishinev draws them back. In a story ripped from the headlines, Slava’s gay son Arseny has vanished in Chechnya, where homosexuals are persecuted and imprisoned.

What was Arseny doing in Chechnya, and who is the enigmatic Italian who ends up in police custody with him? Answering these questions will take Aidan and Liam on their most deadly adventure yet, deep into the heart of a war-torn former Soviet state where danger lurks around every corner.

The stakes are high – innocent men depend on them for rescue from imprisonment and death. Will Aidan and Liam be able to rescue Arseny and help him carry out his plans—and make it back to Nice for their wedding?

Also available in audio from most audiobook retailers.

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#10 The Madness of Husbands 

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When Aidan Greene’s ex calls after ten years with a peremptory demand for bodyguard services, Aidan’s tempted to say no, even though he hears real despair in Blake’s voice.

After a reminder that the two of them are in their forties, and that personal protection is a young man’s game, Aidan and his husband Liam have stepped back, marrying and taking a staycation at their home outside Nice. But Liam misses the adventure, and Aidan is curious about his ex and the man Blake has married, Latin diplomat Ricardo Levy.

Ricardo is recovering from a psychotic break, and sees danger all around him, but he’s determined to attend a conference in the Bahamas where he will reveal information that may have profound international ramifications.

Quickly, Aidan and Liam are at a luxury resort on Paradise Island, watching for danger and wondering if the threats are all in Ricardo’s head—or if they are very real.

Do we ever lose the bonds that connect us to past loves? Aidan and Blake will come to a reckoning about the events that began the Have Body, Will Guard series—and learn something about the madness of love along the way.

Also available in audio from most audiobook retailers.

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Audio coming eventually.

#11 The Most Expensive Spice 

spice 2021 200

Fleeing his father’s anti-gay wrath, Ekram Zuabi must leave his family farm in the middle of a Syrian civil war. He is desperate to reach a place where he can live and love without fear.

Handsome playboy Rafe Fabron may have money and a place in a successful family business importing spices to Europe, but someone wants to kill him. A disgruntled former lover—or someone with larger and deadlier goals in mind?

When circumstances bring them together and sparks begin to fly, it’s up to bodyguards Aidan Greene and Liam McCullough to protect them both and engineer their happily ever after.

Computer-savvy assailants linger in the shadows of the glittering French Riviera, and it will take research, strategy, and the ability to outsmart terrorists and the French police in order to carry off this latest Have Body, Will Guard adventure.

Audio coming eventually

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#12 The Graveyard of God's Name 

graveyard 2021 200

A Biblical scroll that could change the world... can Aidan & Liam keep it and the man who found it safe?

Husbands and close-protection partners Aidan Greene and Liam McCullough are called to protect a young Oxford student with a valuable manuscript.

Danny Cardozo, a gay, Jewish scholar, has been entrusted with an ancient scroll, a copy of the Biblical book of Leviticus written soon after the destruction of the Second Temple. When villains threaten him, he heads to an isolated home on the resort island of Djerba, off the Tunisian coast.

Danny could build a career as a scholar from the revelations he has discovered in the ancient scroll – if he or any of the elderly men helping him don’t die first.

Audio coming eventually.

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#13 The Feet of Blue Pigeons 

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Ripped from the headlines-- Aidan and Liam protect a friend from human traffickers.

During a break in the pandemic, Aidan Greene gets a panicked message from an old college friend living in Luxembourg. Ethan Katz is a banking exec in Luxembourg for a bank owned by a family from the UAE. He’s discovered a money-laundering scheme which puts his life is in danger and local security can’t help him because they are stretched thin from the pandemic. Can Aidan and Liam help protect him?

They haven’t worked much since the onset of Covid-19, so they welcome the chance to earn some money, and help an old friend. But when everyone around them is wearing masks, it’s hard for Aidan and Liam to discern real threats.

Their investigation leads them into dangerous territory, uncovering details about immigrant smuggling and who might be behind the money laundering scheme. The pandemic also brings back uncomfortable memories of life during the AIDS crisis, opening up old wounds and drawing Aidan and Liam even closer together, even as they investigate and face dramatic dangers.

Ripped from the headlines, the newest Have Body, Will Guard adventure is sure to delight fans of the series. New readers will find it easy to jump in as well. Romance fans will appreciate a subplot bringing two damaged men together.

Audio coming eventually.

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The Designer of His Own Fortune 


Liam and Aidan take one one of their most personal cases.

When Liam's estranged cousin Edwin calls for help after his wealthy husband is murdered, Liam and Aidan are drawn into a dangerous web of international intrigue. As they work to protect Edwin and uncover the truth behind his husband's death, they find themselves facing off against Iranian terrorists, corrupt CIA agents, and shadowy political organizations. From the beaches of Florida to the streets of Washington D.C., Liam and Aidan must use all their skills to stay one step ahead of deadly assassins.

But this case is about more than just solving a murder - it forces Liam to confront his complicated family history and long-buried emotions. As the danger mounts, Liam and Aidan's relationship is tested in new ways. Can they protect Edwin, crack the case, and make it out alive? Filled with intense action, rich character development, and unexpected twists, "The Designer of His Own Fortune" is a page-turning thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Audio coming eventually.

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